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Buffalo Target Shooters Association

       Calgary, AB

For Tips To Edit Your Existing Membership Profile, click here

For Tips to Renew Your Existing Membership, click here

New Applicant Checklist - Click Here

General Membership Information


If you are intending to apply, please ensure that you have read and understood the requirements for membership posted on this site. Failure to do so will result in a rejected application.

Current Membership renewal for the 2025 season will begin November 1st, 2024. You have until January 31st, 2025 to renew your membership. If you do not, you must reapply as a new member to regain membership.

By applying as a new member, or renewing your membership each year, you agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the BTSA.

New applicants are required to be recommended by one current BTSA member of at least 1 year. We recommend that those interested in applying, come out to our public events, join in, and meet members. The recommending members name MUST be included in your application, or it will be rejected.

BTSA Annual Dues - 2024/25

  • Family  - $325/yr, plus GST - may include up to 7 members, up to 25yrs of age and living at home, or an adult full time student
  • Individual -  $275/yr plus GST
  • Student - $150/yr plus GST - (must provide legible photo of current student ID card at post secondary institution, must volunteer at at least 2 events in membership year)
  • New Applicants are subject to a one time range improvement fee of $100

Important Dates:

  • All BTSA Memberships are annual; January 1st to December 31st.  We do NOT prorate memberships.
  • We open our application process for new members early in the new year. For 2025, it will open February 15.
  • We stop accepting new applications after June 15th each year.   Memberships may be accepted after June 15 only with a Board Member's sponsorship.
Membership renewal starts November 1st and runs through January 31st of the following year. If you have not renewed by this date, your membership will lapse, and be suspended. If you wish to re-join, you must reapply as a new member, and are subject to current fees and rules, requiring a recommending member, and re-orientation. You will also be required to pay the one time range improvement fee.

Other Important Information:  
  • BTSA members are required to follow all safe firearms handling rules and observe all APRA and BTSA range rules and range etiquette.  Failure to comply may result in suspension of privileges or cancellation of membership.

  • We do not advise purchasing a BTSA membership if you are only interested in a membership to qualify for your ATT and RPAL. If you do not plan to be involved with the club we STRONGLY recommend purchasing an “Associate” Membership from a local commercial shooting range, such as Straight Shooters or Calgary Shooting CentreThese memberships are less expensive, meet the CFO’s licensing and ATT requirements, and allow more active members to join the BTSA.

  • Please select the membership level that you wish to apply for below. As you proceed through the application, you will be asked to designate your primary APRA affiliation. If you are NOT a member of any other APRA member club (Swiss Rifle, Alberta Fullbore, Rosebud Benchrest and Silhouette), or you wish to pay your APRA dues through the BTSA, you will designate BTSA as your primary affiliation. 

  • Online range orientation must be re-taken and passed every year, by ALL members (individual, family administrator or family member attending the range by themselves).
  • You must enter your date of birth, address on all membership profiles. Please include a photograph of you that will be used on your membership card. 
  • All members must be able to prove their membership if asked at the range, suggest keeping a photo of your current membership card on your phone or print it out.

  • Anyone that does not have a PAL or RPAL entered into their profile MUST have their Date of Birth listed. Family administrators, please ensure that we have this information. It is required by Canada's firearms regulations.  
  • Your member profile (photos, PAL etc.) and orientation must be completed before the end of the renewal period (Jan 31st).  Incomplete membership profiles as of Jan 31 will result in the renewal being cancelled and membership will be suspended.

We do not recommend the use of "auto-fill" functions in use by some web browsers. This has been shown to cause problems with credit card payment clearance. 

Please Read Carefully: Applications that are missing information WILL result in slower processing, and may be rejected. We will try to contact you to resolve deficiencies by email or by phone up to 3 times. After that, your application will be cancelled or membership suspended.

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* Membership level

Buffalo Target Shooters Association
PO Box 394
300, 8120 Beddington Blvd NW
Calgary Alberta T3K 2A8

General Inquiries:

Membership Inquiries:

COPYRIGHT © 2018-2023 Buffalo Target Shooters Association. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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