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Buffalo Target Shooters Association

       Calgary, AB

New Applicant Checklist.

NOTE: New applications for 2024 will close on June 15.   New applications will be accepted again Feb 15, 2025.

Please review and have the following ready:

  1. Have read and understand the membership requirements.
  2. Have read and understand the range rules
  3. Have a current BTSA member of 1 year agree to sponsor your application
  4. Have a clear, head and shoulders photograph to upload with your application
  5. Have other relevant information at hand to support your application (full address, PAL number, PAL Expiry date, Date of Birth, etc.)
  6. Once approved as a member, you MUST pass the online range orientation course to attend the range on your own. On successful completion of the range orientation course, you will receive an email with the gate codes to access the range.

Be aware that failure to provide information or otherwise comply with this checklist will result in approval delays, or rejection of your application.  

If you do not know anyone that is a current BTSA member, we ask that you come out to a public event at our ranges and meet some of our members.

Once all information is received and and information verified, your application will then be approved and you can proceed with the online range orientation course. The complete process may take a week to complete. 

Membership Fees are:

  • Individual $275/yr
  • Family $325/yr    *
  • Student $150/yr  **
Note: New members are required to pay a one time $100 range improvement fee.   This will be automatically added at the final checkout.

* An annual FAMILY Membership applies to Husband and Wife (or equivalent) and any dependent children (under 18, or under 25 and a full time student) living at home.

** Student: For individuals who are actively pursuing further education. Must provide evidence of full time enrollment in a post secondary institution. In return for the lower membership fee, Student members are expected to volunteer 2 time per year for the Association.

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